Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Buying Beer in Pennsylvania

I've recently found myself in several conversations about beer sales in several states. Of all the states that I've lived in so far, I believe that Pennsylvania has the strangest. I've been living in Pennsylvania for about a year and I'm still working on figuring out the law.

Basically, in order to buy beer in Pennsylvania one must go to a beer distributor, some convenience stores, some restaurants, or a bar.

Buying beer at a beer distributor isn't too unusual. Beer distributors are stand-alone shops that sell beer. The unusual part of the law is that beer distributors can only sell beer by the case. This benefits the mass production breweries but hurts small breweries and the consumer. Mass production breweries can easily package their beer in cases and easily sell them because the consumer knows exactly what they will get. For a small breweries there is a built in obstacle to selling because consumers have to buy in a large quantity. Consumers are less likely to experiment with new varieties because if they don't like the beer they have another 23 to drink.

If a consumer would rather try a beer rather than buying a case they can buy a single beer in a convenience store. However, not all convenience stores. Some have licenses and some do not. Unfortunately, buying in a convenience store limits availability and increases the price. At the convenience store in my neighborhood, a single beer may cost as much as $5. While I often pay $5 in a bar, I'm getting 20 ounces. At the convenience stores it's $5 for a 12 ounce bottle.

Restaurants are also an option for buying beer. Sometimes. Colonial Pizza, my favorite pizza in Philadelphia, sells beer by the bottle and at reasonable prices but it is very similar to buying in a convenience store. When going to a nice restaurant to eat, chances are that they don't even sell beer (or wine and mixed drinks). Philly has a strong BYOB culture with great restaurants where it is expected that patrons will bring their own. It's a great way to eat at nice restaurants, drink a favorite beer, and save some money.

So, you're in Philadelphia and want to buy a six pack? Go to a bar. Yes, most bars will sell a six pack of beer for a slightly inflated price (most are $8-10). This is a great way to try beer and the only way to buy beer for home after 9pm when the distributors close.

And, of course, the best way to try beer in Pennsylvania is to go to your local pub. There are loads of neighborhood bars in Philadelphia with great beer selections. These are great places to try new brews and they often have knowledgeable staff who will make great recommendations. Try the beers at the pubs. When a winner is found, head to the beer distributor and buy a case for home.


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